Available WORK
These works all have interactive augmented reality features.
Paintings are stand alone pieces on their own, but come alive when viewed through your phone.
You can get a glimpse into the magic of AR by following the steps below.
1. Scan the QR code below to download the free Artivive app on your phone.
2. Once downloaded, open the app and hold your phone in front of a painting on the screen.
3. Ensure the whole painting is in frame and watch it come to life.
*The interactive AR is for large and medium sized work only.

Despite the Thunder

Despite the Thunder
90 cm x 90 cm
Acrylic & metallic ink on canvas

Despite the Thunder | Don’t throw down anchor
If you could see through the rain,
You would notice me - eyes fixed on you.
You have all my attention.
If you could listen despite the thunder,
You would hear me - reassuring you.
You have all my affection.
If you could take courage long enough to keep going
You would find me - a safe harbour
You have all my protection.
In awe of the unseen (right)

In awe of the unseen (right)
61 cm x 61 cm
Acrylic & metallic ink on canvas

Land and see
The view
Let’s leap -
Throw everything off a cliff and see what sounds they make when they land
Ah yes, I know
We won’t truly know all the answers before we begin
But let’s stop circling
Land and see with me

Golden Reminder

* This piece currently does not have an interactive AR component and is available for a personalised AR element to be added. Please reach out to find out more.
Golden Reminder
Aren’t there just those nights?
That go on
And on; like a run on sentence gasping for breath
Seasons; thick and heavy- demanding what seems too much
And then a single ray of sunshine appears on the horizon;
Light leaking through from the other side; reminding us that every season shifts.
It start slowly at first, and then spilling allover the water- a golden reminder that every night gives way to day.
All it takes is a glimpse of light over the horizon to instil fresh hope.
A single ray of sunshine, birthing inside of us instantly what we need to push forward- keep pursuing what lies ahead because soon, we will be bathed in light.
Golden Reminder
155 x 79cm
Acrylic and ink on canvas
Framed in Antique Bronze
Remember the day with me

62cm x 93cm
Acrylic & Metallic ink on Canvas
Framed in Tasmanian Oak
Remember the day with me.
There is a slow leak in even the brightest of days.Every day pierced with a million pin pricks; colour seeping slowly through to the other side. We don’t mourn the commencement of the day - we ourselves having soaked up the colour all day long. Drenched in memories and cloaked in contentment, we simply bathe in the last light and remember the day.
This painting conjures up that feeling at the end of a full summers day. As the day fades and turns to night we realise change is inevitable. Even the best days and seasons come to an end. But when that change eventually comes, we walk through it full and content. We let go of the good of today, because only with open hands can we grasp the good of tomorrow.

Land by Me

Land by me
90 cm x 151 cm
Acrylic & Metallic ink on canvas

Just stop drifting over land and sea.
Land by me.
Land softly, land violently.
Land any way you like, lover.
Dig your roots into my soil and let’s sit with the sheer amount of time if takes to grow anything these days.

What is our response in seasons of overflow? You know, those beautiful moments when the veil lifts and we are fully aware of just how much we have. The moments when our perspective aligns and we realise that we are living in a state of overflow. When the banks of a dam are full, it doesn’t dig deeper to hold more water. The flood gates open and there’s a recognition that the best response to a feeling of gratitude is abundant generosity.
61cm x 51cm
Acrylic & Metallic ink on birch board
Framed in Tasmanian Oak

Songs from the Sea: Ballad No.10

Songs from the Sea: Ballad No.10
20 cm x 20 cm
Acrylic & metallic ink on birch
Songs from the Sea: Ballad No.16

Songs from the Sea: Ballad No.16
20 cm x 20 cm
Acrylic & metallic ink on birch
full catalogue

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What makes a commission so special?The personal touch.
Most collectors fall in love with the meaning behind my work. Imagine walking past an artwork in your home with a meaning unique and significant to you personally. There's something magical about a personalised meaning that speaks something unique to you every day; something worth passing down.